Our HousingAt the end of 2020 we owned and managed 275 units of housing. This is made up of a mix of general needs housing (for single people, couples, single parents and families), sheltered housing for the elderly, and fifteen self-contained homes for intermediate rent.
This figure includes 60 units of sheltered housing acquired by our merger with Wilberforce Housing Association completed at the beginning of 2011. It also includes two large properties formerly used for student accommodation, which have now been converted into 11 self-contained flats for intermediate rent. In 2019 we completed our first ever new build development project using entirely our own financial resources. The development, built upon our existing land, provided three new high quality family homes for intermediate affordable rent. Much of our housing consists of older properties that have been acquired and refurbished, but we also have some new build schemes including two consortium developments with other associations at Donald Woods Gardens in Tolworth, and California Road/England Way in New Malden. The distribution of our housing units by local authority area is: Royal Borough of Kingston – 201 units Elmbridge Borough Council – 12 units London Borough of Merton – 62 units |
[email protected] | 020 8399 7221
Kingston Churches Housing Association, Meadway House, 17/21 Brighton Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 5LR
Registered with charitable status under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 – No. 17374R
Registered with the Homes and Communities Agency – No L0891. Member of the National Housing Federation
Registered with the Homes and Communities Agency – No L0891. Member of the National Housing Federation
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