Asset ManagementAsset management is a key priority for Kingston Churches Housing Association. It involves more than just reacting to identified problems, but careful consideration and planning in an attempt to avoid those problems occurring. All of our properties and their component parts are recorded on our asset register. This register is updated as a live document meaning that each time a repair or improvement is made, it is immediately recorded. Good asset management means that for you your homes will be safer, more energy efficient and sustainable.
Repairs & Maintenance We operate a 3-Tier maintenance service providing the following response categories: • Emergency (within 24 Hours) - The earlier you report the repair, the sooner it can be attended. • Urgent (within 5 days) • Routine (within 28 days). - The vast majority of which are completed within 14 days. For further information, please see our guide defining what category the most common repairs fall into: PDF Health and Safety Compliance Checks (subject to relevant properties) Asbestos is checked annually with monthly monitoring. Energy Performance Certificates are completed prior to a property being let. Electrical Installation Reports are completed prior to a property being let and last 10 years. Fire Alarm testing is carried out quarterly (every three months). Fire Risk Assessments are completed every two years (most recently in October 2020). Fixed Appliance Testing is to be tested annually from September 2021. Gas Safety Certificates are issued annually. Internal communal area Health and Safety checks are carried out monthly. Portable Appliance Testing is completed. Lifts in communal areas are serviced annually and insured. Water Checks are completed every 2 years. Cyclical Repairs and Redecorations Our consultant surveyor manages a programme of cyclical repairs and redecorations to external parts of the buildings and internal communal arears. Capital Improvement Programmes We also operate capital improvement programmes, sometimes as an additional part of our cyclical programmes (e.g. windows replacement) and sometimes independently (e.g. new bathrooms). Other items, but not limited to capital improvements are new boilers and kitchens. Stock Condition Survey In Quarter 4, 2020 we commissioned an independent stock condition survey for all our properties. A stock condition survey provides information on the overall condition of the internal and external parts of a property, regulatory considerations and the life expectancy of component parts (bathrooms, boilers, kitchens, roofs, windows). It then indicates net costs (excluding VAT) for a 30 year plan of reinvestment, which can be used to inform our current cyclical works programme. The report concluded that KCHA had been investing well to date in our asset management strategy and that no budget increase was required to make sure we are looking after your homes for the foreseeable future. KCHA acknowledges from our Tenant Satisfaction Surveys that quality of your homes and the ongoing maintenance is a high priority for our tenants. If you would like to know more or if you are interested in being involved in the work we do, please contact us at [email protected]. |
[email protected] | 020 8399 7221
Kingston Churches Housing Association, Meadway House, 17/21 Brighton Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 5LR
Registered with charitable status under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 – No. 17374R
Registered with the Homes and Communities Agency – No L0891. Member of the National Housing Federation
Registered with the Homes and Communities Agency – No L0891. Member of the National Housing Federation
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